Information for Prospective PhD Students

CFI does not currently have a PhD programme based at the Centre.
However, some of our researchers supervise PhD students as part of their affiliations with other University of Cambridge departments and faculties.  For example, Stephen Cave and Claire Benn are also members of the Faculty of Philosophy while Lucy Cheke is a member of the Department of Psychology.

In addition, sometimes our researchers co-supervise students doing a PhD elsewhere in Cambridge. For example, a student working on AI impact within Engineering may request a co-supervisor from CFI to support the non-technical aspects of their project. However, their primary supervisor will be in Engineering.

As such, we advise prospective PhD students to apply directly to the Cambridge department most relevant to their proposed research. 

For students interested in AI for the humanities, Cambridge Digital Humanities have recently launched a PhD programme.

For current Cambridge PhD students working on AI impact who are interested in connecting with the CFI research community, please see our Student Fellow programme.

Seventeen multicoloured post-it notes are roughly positioned in a square shape on a white board. Each one of them has a hand drawn sketch in pen on them, answering the prompt on one of the post-it notes

Rick Payne and team / Better Images of AI / AI is... / CC-BY 4.0