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Creative Intelligence Across and Between the Sciences

Creative Intelligence Across and Between the Sciences: 24-25 June.

A closed workshop organised by Marta Halina and Adrian Currie. The text below is for information only.

Creativity and intelligence are intimately related. Intelligence is often not mere brute computing power, but the capacity to direct that power in original, efficient, or surprising ways; that is to say, intelligence is often creative. Creativity is not simply randomness nor the generation of nonsense, but is goal-orientated, guided, and intelligent. Creative intelligence, then, is the capacity to generate novel ideas, to see connections between domains, to come up with new problems and new solutions or to transform concepts, problems and perspectives.

Although creativity has been a research focus in philosophy and psychology, it also plays important roles in comparative psychology (the study of insight in non-human animals), artificial intelligence (the emergence of novel strategies in game-play), evolutionary theory (the generation of biological novelties) and science studies (the relationship between how science is organised and incentivised and revolutions). On our view, these disparate research programs are ripe for being bought together; the purpose of this workshop is to discuss how this might be done by bringing together a small group of cognitive scientists, philosophers and computer scientists working in this area.

This event was made possible through the support of a grant from the Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc.

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