Danaja Rutar

Associate Fellow


Danaja is working as a research associate on the RECOG-AI project, which is part of the Kinds of Intelligence programme. As part of this project, she will be developing a robust evaluation framework for AI systems in order to properly understand their capabilities. Danaja recently completed studying for a PhD in Developmental Psychology/Neuroscience from the Donders Institute in The Netherlands. In her doctoral work, which was embedded in a theoretical framework of predictive processing, Danaja investigated how generative models are learned and developed, and how information about statistical regularities is represented in these models. She completed a M.Sc. in Language, Mind and Embodied Cognition at the University of Edinburgh and a B.Sc. in Psychology at the University of Ljubljana.

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Danaja Rutar


Danaja Rutar


Investigating the possibilities for bi-directional knowledge transfer between biological and artificial intelligence. AI has made rapid progress in recent years, overtaking human performance on complex tasks. However, there remain many areas where AI cannot compete with even simple biological organisms. Such areas include understanding object permanence and intuitive physics, one-shot learning, intelligent exploration and generalising […]

Danaja Rutar


RECOG-AI aims to improve AI evaluation by providing a framework and benchmarks for measuring the capabilities of AI systems.  RECOG-AI is a two-year (2021-2023) DARPA-funded project on the Robust Evaluation of Cognitive Capabilities and Generality in Artificial Intelligence. The RECOG-AI project is split into three core research packages, as below. Codify The first work package is the […]