Emma Kallina

Student Fellow


Emma’s research focuses on technology design that enhances human well-being – beyond human performance.

She started her PhD in October 2021. Under the supervision of Tomas Bohné (Advisor: Stephen Cave), she is researching how responsible AI principles can be operationalised in practice. Through her background in Psychology (BSc, University of Tuebingen), Human-Computer Interaction (MSc, UCL), and UX Research (employed at Eva Health Technologies), she investigates the user’s perspective and well-being. She was awarded the scholarship from the ‘Foundation of German Business’ which continues to support her academic career since 2015. As part of her PhD she is a visiting student at the CFI’s MSt program ‘AI Ethics & Society’. In her spare time, Emma loves to rock climb and be outdoors.

Emma’s research focus sits on the intersection of HCI and responsible AI development in practice. She investigates how the involvement of impacted communities and domain experts during the development process can lead to more responsible systems, as well as the barriers to such involvement in the currently established industry practice. Her background in Psychology, HCI, and UX Research provide her with the tools to conduct qualitative and quantitative research with humans as well as insights into the practice of software design.

As a third-year PhD student at the University of Cambridge, Emma is part of the Institute for Technology and Humanity, the Centre for Technology Management, and works under the supervision of Thomas Bohné, Jat Singh, and Stephen Cave. Additionally, she collaborates closely with The Alan Turing Institute and the NGO in an effort to promote a Human Rights-based approach to AI development.


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Emma Kallina