Rune Nyrup

Associate Fellow


Rune Nyrup is a Senior Research Fellow on the Science, Value, and the Future of Intelligence project. Before joining CFI, Rune did a PhD in philosophy of science at Durham University and has previously studied and taught at the University of Copenhagen.

His research covers the role of different kinds of reasoning—e.g. analogical, explanatory, diagnostic—across the sciences, especially in relation to the question of pursuit worthiness, i.e., which hypotheses or models to prioritise for further investigation, and the proper role of ethical and political values in science. At the CFI, he is exploring these issues in relation to artificial intelligence, both as a field of research and as a technology.

More information about his research can also be found at his webpage.

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Digital Ageism: Challenges and Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence for Older Adults

Article in The Gerontologist, gnab167, Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are changing our world through their impact on sectors including health care, education, employment, finance, and law. AI systems are developed using data that reflect the implicit and explicit biases of society, and there are significant concerns about how the predictive models […]

Mortar and Pestle or Cooking Vessel? When Archaeology Makes Progress through Failed Analogies

Nyrup, R. 2021. “Mortar and Pestle or Cooking Vessel? When Archaeology Makes Progress through Failed Analogies”, Explorations in Archaeology and Philosophy, Synthese Library. Ed. A. Killin and S. Hermanson. Springer Nature.

Artificial intelligence in nursing: Priorities and opportunities from an international invitational think-tank of the Nursing and Artificial Intelligence Leadership Collaborative

Ronquillo, C., …, Nyrup, R., et al. 2021. “Artificial intelligence in nursing: Priorities and opportunities from an international invitational think-tank of the Nursing and Artificial Intelligence Leadership Collaborative”. Journal of Advanced Nursing 77(9):3707-3717.

Artificial intelligence can discriminate on the basis of race and gender, and also age

In this article for The Conversation based on an academic journal article by the same researchers, the authors conclude:  “There is currently very little training, auditing or oversight of AI-driven activities from a regulatory or legal perspective. … This presents a challenge, but also an opportunity to include ageism alongside other forms of biases and […]

Philosophy Exchange Podcast: Values in Artificial Intelligence

Philosophy Exchange Podcast: Values in Artificial Intelligence Rune Nyrup and  Student Fellow Demetra Brady spoke with members from the Philosophy Exchange podcast about the research at Leverhulme CFI as well as current issues in AI Ethics. Topics discussed included the research activities of the centre; a working definition of AI before moving on to discuss […]


Rune Nyrup

Science of Intelligence and its Values

The recent ‘social turn’ in the philosophy of science emphasises that science does not proceed in an ethical and political vacuum and that its value presuppositions can be both a blessing and a curse. As blessings, they can constrain science in the service of ideals of justice, wellbeing, and equality. As curses, they can hide […]

Rune Nyrup

Medical Black Boxes and AI Explainability

While modern AI systems can display impressive accuracy in medical tasks, it can be difficult to fully explain how they work or why they make individual decisions. The development of techniques for making systems “intelligible” or “explainable” is a growing focus of research within machine learning. However, there is still no consensus on what “understanding” […]

Rune Nyrup

Ethical and Societal Implications of Algorithms, Data and AI

This project synthesises existing research on the ethics of AI across disciplines and sectors, and proposes a roadmap for future work. Interest in the ethical and societal implications of technologies based on algorithms, data, and AI has exploded in many circles in the past decade: academic, policy, industry, activist, and popular media. The perceived opportunities […]