AI: Narratives and justice

Understanding the cultural contexts shaping how AI is perceived and developed, and the consequences this has for diversity, cognitive justice and social justice.

The AI: Narratives and Justice Programme investigates the cultural contexts shaping how AI is perceived and developed, and the consequences for diversity, cognitive justice and social justice. The Programme brings together expertise from the humanities, the social sciences, and computer science in order to produce scholarly work that will inform future research – in academia, industry, business, and government – and encourage effective interventions to ensure AI is developed in ethical ways that are beneficial and just for all.


AI: Narratives and justice


Desirable Digitalisation

Desirable Digitalisation

Applying intersectional and anthropological perspectives to designing AI for just and sustainable futures.

Centre for Drones and Culture

Centre for Drones and Culture

Understanding the socio-political implications of this technological revolution requires examining not only what we imagine drones can do, but how drones themselves function as an imaginary of society.

Imaginaries of Immortality in the Age of AI

Imaginaries of Immortality in the Age of AI

From posthumous avatars to deadbots, and griefbots, AI is involved in mediating death—one of the most intimate and inevitable experiences in our lives. Understanding these changes, shaping them, and responding wisely requires new interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue.

History of AI

History of AI

The History of AI project examines the complex historical factors — social, political, technological and otherwise — that have shaped the development of intelligent systems during both the twentieth century and prior.

AI, Journalism and Communications

AI, Journalism and Communications

We examine the impact of AI on journalism, PR, and communications practices and strategies. We also explore the role of communications professionals in fostering critical AI literacy.

Gender and AI

Gender and AI

The ‘Gender and AI’ research stream develops feminist and queer approaches to AI that are informed by critical race theory, postcolonial/decolonial theory, Asian American/Asian diaspora studies, crip theory, and areas of justice-oriented knowledge and work.

AI Narratives

AI Narratives

How we talk about new technologies and their risks and benefits can significantly influence their development, regulation, and place in public opinion. Balancing AI’s potential and its pitfalls therefore requires navigating this web of associations.

Global AI Narratives

Global AI Narratives

AI is set to have an unprecedented global impact — and public perceptions will shape much of it, affecting how the technology is developed, adopted, and regulated. But different cultures see AI through very different lenses.

Decolonising AI

Decolonising AI

If the developer demographic does not diversify, and if bias is not sufficiently addressed in datasets, AI stands to exacerbate inequality and social injustice on a global scale.


Apolline Taillandier

Apolline Taillandier

Research Fellow (LCFI/University of Bonn) | Student Advisor

Claire Craig

Claire Craig

Project Leader / Chief Science Policy Officer, The Royal Society

Dorian Peters

Dorian Peters

Associate Director | Senior Research Fellow

Eleanor Drage

Eleanor Drage

Senior Research Fellow | Student Advisor

Ezinne Nwankwo

Ezinne Nwankwo

Student Fellow

Jonnie Penn

Jonnie Penn

Associate Teaching Professor (MSt) | Senior Research Fellow

Kanta Dihal

Kanta Dihal

Visitor and Associate Fellow

Katarzyna Nowaczyk-Basińska

Katarzyna Nowaczyk-Basińska

Research Fellow

Kerry McInerney (Nee Mackereth)

Kerry McInerney (Nee Mackereth)

Senior Research Fellow | Student Advisor

Maya Indira Ganesh

Maya Indira Ganesh

Associate Director (Research Partnerships) | Senior Research Fellow

Raphael Hernandes

Raphael Hernandes

Research Assistant

Saide Mobayed Vega

Saide Mobayed Vega

Research Assistant

Stephen Cave

Stephen Cave


Tomasz Hollanek

Tomasz Hollanek

Research Fellow | Student Advisor

Toshiba Takahashi

Toshiba Takahashi

Associate Fellow; Visiting Fellow, 2018/2019