AI and Games Workshop

December 15, 2017

Tickets available here.

This workshop brings together researchers from different fields to explore a range of issues arising at the intersection of games and artificial intelligence, including the ethics of AI, the construction of artificial agents, and the use of games for AI development.


09.00. Registration and coffee

09.30. Welcome

09.45. Keynote, Marek Havrda (GoodAI): On AI and Video Games

10.30. Refreshments

10.45. Panel 1: Games for AI Development

  • Jens Kipper (Bielefeld): Intelligent Evaluation, or Thinking without Search
  • Nathan Wildman and Amanda Cawston (Tilburg): Shall we play a game? The role of games in the moral education of AIs
  • Theo Stone (Amsterdam): Caring-For, Caring-About, and AI Relationships for Your Healthcare

12.00. Panel 1 discussion

12.30. Lunch

14.00 Panel 2: AIs inside Games

  • Jaroslav Ć velch (Bergen): Is the Alien Cheating? Vernacular Epistemologies of AI in Alien: Isolation
  • Shahar Avin (Cambridge): Superintelligence Arms Races in Civilization
  • (tbd)

15.15. Panel 2 discussion

15.45. Coffee

16.00. Panel 3: Ethics, Authenticity, and Empathy in Games

  • Rebecca Davnall (Liverpool): Is There Anything Morally Distinctive About Artificial Persons?
  • Belinda Reilly (Nottingham): Authenticity in VR and AI
  • Al Baker (Leeds): Game Art, AIs, and Ludic Empathy
    17.15. Panel 3 discussion

17.45. Workshop close

Tickets available here.

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