Is Artificial Consciousness possible? An expert discussion.

November 9, 2016

Machines are already better at recogising faces and giving medical prescriptions than we are. But do they have the potential to become conscious, like we are? And if so, should we be worried?
The possibility of Artificial Consciousness is one of the most interesting questions of our time.

Join a discussion between two world leading experts on this question: Computer Scientist Prof. Murray Shanahan and Philosopher Prof. Tim Crane.

Tim Crane is Knightbridge Professor of Philosphy and head of the Faculty of Philosophy at Cambridge. He is one of the leading philosophers of mind of our time. His publications include “The Mechanical Mind” (Routledge 2003) and “The Objects of Thought” (OUP 2013).

Murray Shanahan is a Professor of Cognitive Robotics at Imperial College. He was a scientific advisor to the Hollywood blockbuster “Ex Machina” and has recently published “Embodiment and the inner life: cognition and consciousness in the space of possible minds” (OUP 2010) as well as “The Technological Singularity” (MIT Press 2015).

After a moderated discussion between the two experts, the floor will be opened to questions from the audience. This event is open to the public, and entrance is free!

Tickets are available via Eventbrite.