Leverhulme CFI Monday Lunchtime Seminar – Jeff Thompson

November 26, 2018

Jeff Thompson, Assistant Professor and Program Director of Visual Arts & Technology at Stevens Institute of Technology, will be in Cambridge during the Michaelmas term as a Visiting Fellow at King’s College and Artist-in-Residence at the Computer Laboratory. Thompson’s work combines code, sculpture, sound, and performance with historical and technological research to make artworks that give materiality to otherwise invisible technological processes like neural networks, data storage, and social and political interactions with computers.

During his visit, Thompson will be continuing his ongoing creative work, as well as researching the history of human computing and early office culture for a performance project to premiere at University of Nevada, Reno in spring 2020. During the performance, a group of performers will calculate by hand, over the course of several hours, something very easy for the computer to do: decode a jpg image.

Thompson will give a lecture on his work at CRASSH on 22 November at 5pm, as part of the Digital Art research group. He will have a one-night exhibition of the work created in Cambridge on 27 November in the King’s College Art Rooms. Both events are open to the public.

Members of the CDH community with overlapping research interests are encouraged to contact Thompson at jeff.thompson@stevens.edu.

Thompson’s work can be viewed here: http://www.jeffreythompson.org
