Cross-Cultural Trust for Beneficial AI

Jul 11-12, 2019

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The task of developing AI for good requires relationships of trust of several kinds. For example, AI technologists and governments must trust each other to work together on issues of regulation and governance; and AI researchers, on the one hand, and scholars from the humanities and social sciences, on the other, must trust and respect each other’s expertise, to work together on the impacts and challenges of AI. However, in all of these cases there are cross-cultural variations in the way issues of trust are perceived and discussed. The aim of this workshop is to address some potential obstacles for international cooperation for beneficial AI from a cross-cultural perspective, and, equally importantly, to connect a number of current initiatives to encourage trust-building dialogue between China and the West.

Attendance by invitation only.

For further information, a list of participants and the full programme please see here.

This workshop is generously supported by the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI), the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER), and the Intellectual Forum at Jesus College.

Contact Huw Price and Yang Liu