The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Views from History

November 29, 2018

On the evening of 29th November 2018, the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI) will host an expert panel on ‘The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Views from History’ featuring:

Prof. Simon Schaffer (University of Cambridge)
Prof. Murray Shanahan (DeepMind, Imperial)
Prof. Margaret A. Boden OBE ScD FBA, (University of Sussex)
Prof. Nathan Ensmenger (Indiana University)
Pamela McCorduck (author of Machines Who Think, an authoritative history of AI)
and chaired by Dr Sarah Dillon (Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence).

Speakers will interrogate the past, present, and future of intelligent systems for a general audience, with an interest towards the nuanced power dynamics that have operated around such systems throughout the ages.

This event will commemorates the 60th anniversary of the landmark 1958 ‘Mechanisation of Thought Conference’ held in Teddington, England; an event that served to establish artificial intelligence as a standalone field in the UK.

This public lecture will lead into a private symposium on 30th November 2018 involving world class historians of technology from around the globe.

Generously supported by PwC.

Reserve Tickets on Eventbrite

Youtube Livestream

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