The Margaret Boden Lecture 2019: Professor Daniel Dennett, Smart Machines and a Reverse Turing test

June 18, 2019

Professor Daniel Dennett (Tufts University) will give the annual Margaret Boden Lecture on Tuesday 18 June 2019 in the Babbage Lecture Theatre.

A video recording of the public lecture is available here.

Abstract: Is the goal of AI to create smart machines or artificial colleagues? The distinction is of great importance, but the grounds for drawing it have been confused by forces that distort our imagination. Several sources of misdirection are innocently hidden in Alan Turing’s initial description of the Imitation Game, now known as the Turing Test. Once these confusions are exposed, we can explore steps that might maintain bright lines between tools, tool-makers, and tool-users, as part of the policy innovations required to preserve the integrity of inquiry.