Our Researchers Favourite Articles 2023

December 18, 2023

This year, we asked our researchers to submit the top articles they read in 2023 – What stuck with them? What kept them thinking? What would they recommend to colleagues?

These were our top responses: 

Origin Stories: Plantations, Computers, and Industrial Control

Written By Meredith Whittaker

The Bumpy Road Toward Global AI Governance

Written by Miranda Gabbot

A shrinking path to safety: how a narrowly technical approach to align AI with the public good could fail

Written by Shannon Vallor and Ewa Luger

Sentience and Sensibility

Written by Meghan O’Gieblyn

We must slow down the race to God-like AI

Written by Ian Hogarth

Chat’s Entertainment

Written by Sean Michaels

For true AI governance, we need to avoid a single point of failure

Written By Yoshua Bengio

Moving Too Fast on AI Could Be Terrible for Humanity

Written by Katja Grace

Top articles 2023

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