Aisha Sobey

Research Associate | Research Program Coordinator


Aisha is a Research Programmes Coordinator and Research Fellow at CFI. She is part of the Desirable Digitisation group, and her research is concerned with understanding the interaction of the digital systems and spaces we live within, and our core values. Aisha has always taken an interdisciplinary approach, focussed on human experience and quality of life in reaction to technology, especially the power structures that they are part of. She gained her MPhil in International Relations and Politics at Cambridge and for her Ph.D. is the LKY Scholar at Fitzwilliam College and studies social connection in the digital ‘smart’ city.

Aisha is passionate about outreach and widening participation, as she has created educational resources for students to gain insight into the areas of wellbeing and social media and expand critical thinking around digital structures.


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Aisha Sobey

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Aisha Sobey

Challenging Anti-Fat Bias in Digital Spaces: A Journey Towards True Design Justice

This blog was written by Dr Aisha Sobey. It is based on her paper, Conceptualising Fatness in HCI: A Call for Fat Liberation, which was published on May 11, 2024, and presented asynchronously at CHI 2024. In today’s digital age, not only does the design of digital systems shape our online interactions and experiences, but it […]