Anna Alexandrova

Project Leader, 2016 - March 2020


Anna Alexandrova is a philosopher of science with special focus in social sciences. She is interested in how social scientists move between theoretical and applied knowledge, what value judgments they make and how this should affect our confidence in their policy recommendations. Her recent work concentrates on measurement of socially valuable outcomes such as well-being and quality of life across different projects in social and medical sciences. Her writings can be found on her webpage.

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Anna Alexandrova


Ethical and Societal Implications of Algorithms, Data, and Artificial Intelligence: A Roadmap for Research

Ethical and Societal Implications of Algorithms, Data, and Artificial Intelligence: A Roadmap for Research This report sets out a broad roadmap for work on the ethical and societal implications of algorithms, data and AI (ADA).Their impact on people and society shapes practically every question of public policy, but discussion is not necessarily based on a […]

The potential harms of online targeting

The potential harms of online targeting.  Evidence submitted to the UK Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation. Abstract: Despite increasing attention being paid to the potential harms of online targeting over the last year, there is still a lack of clarity over what precisely those harms are. To help address this lack of clarity, this submission […]

The Role and Limits of Principles in AI Ethics: Towards a Focus on Tensions

The Role and Limits of Principles in AI Ethics: Towards a Focus on Tensions The Second AAAI / ACM Annual Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 26-28 January 2019, Hawaii USA The last few years have seen a proliferation of principles for AI ethics. There is substantial overlap between different sets of principles, with widespread […]

The Leverhulme CFI Podcast – Rafael Calvo and Dorian Peters

Anna Alexandrova in conversation with Rafael Calvo, Professor and Director for Research at the Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London and Dorian Peters, Design Researcher, Imperial College London.   Download Podcast  

Mapping Intelligence: Requirements and Possibilities

Mapping Intelligence: Requirements and Possibilities (2018) In: Müller V. (eds) Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence 2017. PT-AI 2017. Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics, vol 44. Springer, Cham New types of artificial intelligence (AI), from cognitive assistants to social robots, are challenging meaningful comparison with other kinds of intelligence. How can such […]


Anna Alexandrova

Science of Intelligence and its Values

The recent ‘social turn’ in the philosophy of science emphasises that science does not proceed in an ethical and political vacuum and that its value presuppositions can be both a blessing and a curse. As blessings, they can constrain science in the service of ideals of justice, wellbeing, and equality. As curses, they can hide […]

Anna Alexandrova

Ethical and Societal Implications of Algorithms, Data and AI

This project synthesises existing research on the ethics of AI across disciplines and sectors, and proposes a roadmap for future work. Interest in the ethical and societal implications of technologies based on algorithms, data, and AI has exploded in many circles in the past decade: academic, policy, industry, activist, and popular media. The perceived opportunities […]