Benjamin Beyret

Research Assistant (Imperial), 2019 -2020


Benjamin worked as a Research Assistant developing the Animal AI-Olympics(part of the Biological to Artificial Intelligence Project), a competition to benchmark state of the art AI and especially deep RL algorithms.

This project is based on Unity and its machine learning library ml-agents, using C#, python and tensorflow among others.

He is now a research engineer at DeepMind.

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The Animal-AI Testbed and Competition

The Animal-AI Testbed and Competition, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 123:164–176, 2020 NeurIPS 2019 Competition and Demonstration Track.  Editors: Hugo Jair Escalante and Raia Hadsell Abstract: Modern machine learning systems are still lacking in the kind of general intelligence and common sense reasoning found, not only in humans, but across the animal kingdom. Many animals are capable […]

257challenge accepted: The Animal-AI Olympics

Challenge Accepted: The Animal AI Olympics, Nature Machine Intelligence (2019) The aim of the Animal-AI Olympics, a new AI competition that translates vision-based animal cognition tasks into a testbed for cognitive AI is to make direct comparisons between animals and AI. To keep the comparison to the animal case as close as possible, the participants […]