Eleanor Drage

Senior Research Fellow | Student Advisor


Eleanor is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge. She is CO-I on the Desirable Digitalisation project and PI on the HEAT project, an AI ethics and regulation project that helps companies respond to the EU AI act. She also uses feminist and anti-racist ideas to improve society’s understanding of AI, for example, to demonstrate why AI-powered hiring tools can’t de-bias hiring, and why AI can’t make neutral predictions about which protests are likely to turn violent. This work has been covered by the BBC, Forbes, The Telegraph, The Guardian, Glamour Magazine and internationally. She has also spoken about her work on the BBC World Service, BBC Radio 3 & 4, and the Irish National Radio. She is the co-host of the award-winning The Good Robot Podcast (top 5% globally), where she interviews top scholars and technologists about AI ethics, and is a TikToker for Carole Cadwalladr’s All The Citizens’ data rights channel.
She’s the author of An Experience of the Impossible: The Planetary Humanism of European Women’s SF (Oct 2023), and co-editor of The Good Robot: Feminist Voices on the Future of Technology (Feb 2024), and Feminist AI: Critical Perspectives on Algorithms, Data and Intelligent Machines (Oct 2023). She has also worked with Deepmind, The Financial Times, The United Nations Data Science & Ethics Groups, CNN, BNP Paribas, The Open Data Institute (ODI), and the Institute of Science & Technology. Eleanor is a Bye-Fellow and Tutor at Gonville & Caius College.


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Eleanor Drage


HEAT – High-risk EU AI Act Toolkit

A team funded by Stiftung Mercator and Ammagamma are creating an open access software-based step-by-step toolkit for complying with the EU AI Act. The toolkit is designed for developers of high risk systems (especially small and medium enterprises) and is informed by feminist and pro-justice approaches to the development of safe, just and equitable AI […]

Responsible AI and Journalism Toolkit

The Responsible AI and Journalism Toolkit is intended for a broad range of stakeholders shaping public perceptions of AI. It aims to empower journalists, PR specialists, and researchers to communicate the risks and benefits of AI more responsibly: to avoid perpetuating problematic AI narratives, to foster inclusivity and diversity in discussions about AI, and to […]

Decoding digital Prejudice: AI for real humans’

Decoding digital Prejudice: AI for real humans, IAI news, September 2021. Our fictionalised fears that AI is going to take over the world and replace humans, has driven much of the discussion around AI ethics. There is much talk of the need to put “the human” and “human values” at the centre when developing AI […]

The Good Robot: Kanta Dihal on Decolonising AI Narratives

The Good Robot: Kanta Dihal on Decolonising AI Narratives In this episode, Christina Gaw postdoctoral researchers Eleanor Drage and Kerry Mackereth chat to Kanta Dihal, Senior Research Fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence who leads the Decolonising AI project. We discuss the stories that are being told about AI, why these stories […]

The Good Robot: Maya Indira Ganesh on the Myth of Autonomy

The Good Robot Podcast: Maya Indira Ganesh on the Myth of Autonomy In this episode, Christina Gaw postdoctoral researchers Eleanor Drage and Kerry Mackereth chat to Maya Indira Ganesh, the course lead for the University of Cambridge Master of Studies programme in AI Ethics and Society. She transitioned to academia after working as a feminist researcher with […]


Eleanor Drage

Desirable Digitalisation

Applying intersectional and anthropological perspectives to designing AI for just and sustainable futures.

Eleanor Drage

In-depth EU AI Toolkit

This AI Act Toolkit project is developing a step-by-step pro-justice compliance tool for developers of high-risk AI Complying with the AI Act can be a daunting task for providers of high-risk AI, as it requires extensive documentation, including a risk management system, data governance and declaration of conformity.    Our tool will assist anyone who is actively involved […]

Eleanor Drage

Gender and AI

The ‘Gender and AI’ research stream develops feminist and queer approaches to AI that are informed by critical race theory, postcolonial/decolonial theory, Asian American/Asian diaspora studies, crip theory, and areas of justice-oriented knowledge and work.

Eleanor Drage

Global Politics of AI

An interdisciplinary project that contributes cutting-edge research on the geopolitics of AI and the implications of AI development and deployment on international political systems. The Global Politics of AI Project is co-chaired by Dr Kerry McInerney and Haydn Belfield, and it sits in both the AI:FAR and the AI:Narratives and Justice programmes, It is an interdisciplinary project […]