Flavia Saxler

Student Fellow


Flavia is a PhD student in the Sociology Department at the University of Cambridge, where she is supervised by Dr Ella McPherson. She has an undergraduate degree in Media and Communications from the University of Mannheim and a MPhil in the Sociology of Media and Culture from the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge. Her research interests lie in the intersection of digital technologies, feminist ethics, and safety.

Flavia’s research investigates AI-enabled safety apps and wearables that predict safer routes for women based on data from local crime reports and user reports of incidents of harassment or violence that they witness or experience. She is interested in understanding how AI can impact safety and whether datafication processes do or do not enhance women’s experience of safety in the digital age.

Flavia is always interested in collaboration across fields, especially data and computer science. For instance, she works on an individual and collaborative research project on data safety and AI-enabled fertility wearables with Anna Ida Hudig from the Complaint and Accountable Systems Group at the Computer Lab, Cambridge.

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Flavia Saxler