AI, Journalism and Communications

As part of this research stream, we examine the impact of AI on journalism, PR, and communications practices and strategies. We also explore the role of communications professionals in fostering critical AI literacy among the public. Additionally, we develop tools and guidelines to help communicators adopt AI responsibly and communicate the risks and benefits of AI to their intended audiences without overselling the technology’s capabilities.

  • AI and Responsible Journalism: This project considers how journalists and editors can foster inclusivity and diversity in discussions about AI and promote critical AI literacy. We also explore how to empower journalists to both use and report on AI responsibly through our comprehensive and evolving AI and Responsible Journalism Toolkit.
  • Generative AI and Political Communications: In collaboration with the Global Politics of AI team at CFI, this project investigates how different political actors adopt generative AI in their communications. We examine how these emerging practices and strategies challenge existing standards – to then identify necessary guardrails to minimize the negative effects of new technologies on the electoral process.
  • Critical AI Literacy: Responding to the need for fostering AI literacy among different stakeholder groups, recently emphasized in the European Union’s comprehensive AI Act, this project explores how various user experience (UX) and communications practices can positively impact the understanding of AI among non-specialists.

Research in this stream is funded by Stiftung Mercator as part of the Desirable Digitalisation: AI for Just and Sustainable Futures programme.

a collage of newspapers and digital media.


Tomasz Hollanek

Tomasz Hollanek

Research Fellow | Student Advisor

Raphael Hernandes

Raphael Hernandes

Research Assistant

Eleanor Drage

Eleanor Drage

Senior Research Fellow | Student Advisor

Dorian Peters

Dorian Peters

Associate Director | Senior Research Fellow