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Artificial Agency and Collective Intelligence - Workshop

Today we welcome three wonderful speakers to Trinity Hall, presenting at our workshop Artificial Agency and Collective Intelligence. Philip Pettit (Princeton), Avia Pasternak (UCL) and Christian List (LSE) will give talks at the second workshop in the series of two, hosted by our project Politics and Policy.


Machines and algorithms are not the only ‘artificial agents’ or ‘artificial intelligences’ in our world. States, corporations, and markets have long been described as having forms of agency and intelligence. What can we learn from drawing analogies between collective forms of agency and intelligence and other forms of artificial agency and intelligence? What will happen when the two kinds of artificial agency and intelligence combine – when corporate agents are made up of robotic agents, or when collective intelligence is augmented by machine intelligence? Should the newest artificial agents and intelligences have their own moral or legal status, akin to corporate personhood? This workshop brings together political theorists, philosophers, computer scientists, and others to explore collective agency and intelligence, machine agency and intelligence, and the relationship between the two.

9:00 - 9:30    Registration

9:30-10:45    Philip Pettit (Princeton), Pathologies of Corporate Personhood

10:45-11:00  Coffee

11:00-12:00  Avia Pasternak (UCL), Corporate Identity and Liability for Historical Wrongs

12:00-13:00  Christian List (LSE), Group Agency and Artificial Intelligence: Some Analogies

13:00-14:15  Lunch

14:15-15:15  Joanna Bryson (Bath), Of, For, and By the People: The Legal Lacuna of Synthetic Persons

15:15-15:30  Coffee

15:30-16:30  Toni Erskine (UNSW Canberra), Flesh-and-Blood, Corporate, Robotic? Moral Agents of Restraint and the Problem of Misplaced Responsibility in War

Registration is now closed.

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