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Seraphina Zhang

Student Fellow


Seraphina is a PhD student in psychology at the University of Cambridge, supervised by Dr Lucy Cheke. Her research investigates the cognitive patterns that characterise artificial and biological minds, bridging the fields of AI and biological cognition. Currently focussing on spatial memory, her PhD project explores the potential for reciprocal insights between AI and psychology. Building upon the Animal-AI platform, she employs gamified tasks to compare cognitive capabilities in reinforcement learning agents and humans. This research presents a novel framework for evaluating AI, with broader implications for advancing cognitive abilities in AI as well as modelling biological cognition.

Seraphina holds a First Class Honours BA in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences from the University of Cambridge. She was an undergraduate research assistant at CFI, working with Dr Marta Halina and Dr Matthew Crosby, where she contributed to the design of AI evaluation tasks for the Animal-AI testbed.

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